Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Ending Your Addiction To Amphetamines - Get Help Today

If you are having problems motivating yourself to function throughout the day, a drug that your doctor may prescribe is called an amphetamine. This is a drug that can stimulate your central nervous system, and is something that is often prescribed to those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

There are many common amphetamines that are prescribed for this condition including Adderall, which has very positive effects. However, these drugs are also sold on the street for those looking for a rush, or a high, but they can have very addicting and detrimental effects.

What Amphetamines Do

Back in the 1930s, Benzedrine was the first amphetamine that was prescribed, provided in tablet form. They were used to not only help people improve their levels of motivation, but were also used to help people with weight control.

Today, they can help those that suffer from narcolepsy, and even some forms of depression. Unfortunately, they do have certain side effects which may include over aggressiveness, seizures, diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, and also hallucinations.

Treatment For Amphetamines

If you purchase speed or uppers on the street, then you are probably someone that has a problem with substance abuse. If you do not suffer from a lack of motivation, but you need to have these drugs to keep going, you may need to find a rehabilitation center. It is necessary to get help from individuals that are professionals, able to guide you away from abusing this drug.

You can find these companies on the web, or talk to your doctor about these companies, call them up, and set an appointment so that you can get the help that you need. Amphetamines should only be used if you actually have a medical problem that requires you to take them, and if you are addicted, use the suggestions to stop taking them before they cause irreversible damage to your body.

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