Friday, September 19, 2014

All About Methamphetamines

Meth, crystal, crank or methamphetamines is a scary type of drug. Those who get addicted to it have a hard time breaking the habit. Even when they do, they never quite go back to being the person they were before.

Meth is a white and bitter powder. Sometimes it can be made into a pill or even a rock. It can be eaten or sniffed up the person's nose. It can also be mixed with liquid and injected into the body. Some people even smoke it in a glass pipe.

When someone first takes meth, it can cause good feelings. That is why people want to be on it. After a bit it can cause the person to feel overly excited, angry or even scared. Everything is moving fast for them it is quite scary to even watch.

They also allow you to stay up and not have to sleep. This can be very attractive for some people. They keep taking it and think they can do anything. While they assume it is making their life better, it is really making it worse.

There can be a lot of long-term damage done by taking the drug. It can cause brain damage, problems with memory and violent behavior. It can be very scary for those who have a loved one addicted to it.

It would be best to get that person some help. They need to be in a treatment center as stopping by themselves is usually not an option with this type of drug. Even if they want to stop, their body will crave it.

A good treatment center can help with this. It can help a person detox and work on trying to get their life back. It can be a hard situation to deal with and a treatment center is the best way to get help.

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