Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Vitamin K Substance Abuse Treatment Options

Ketamine is a drug that is used by veterinarians when performing certain operations on animals. It is also one of the most popular drugs used in areas where parties or raves are continually happening. Considered the date rape drug because of its ability to render a person unconscious for about an hour straight, it is highly coveted by those that have fraternity parties, individuals that are unscrupulous and know what this drug is capable of doing. This article will address substance abuse issues and treatment options for those that take ketamine regularly.

What Is Ketamine?

This drug is very similar to PCP or nitrous oxide in that it is in the same class of drugs. At low doses, it has the ability to stimulate the brain, but at high doses, it goes beyond the psychedelic effects and causes people to go unconscious. If you were to compare different types of drugs, putting them all together, you would have to combine alcohol, nitrous oxide, opium, cannabis and cocaine in order to get a similar effect. The reason that it is so popular, other than when used by people that want to render others unconscious, is that a disassociates the mind from the body, creating out of body experiences. This is popular with individuals that like feeling as if they're floating, or seeing things that are non-ordinary in their waking consciousness.

Getting Treatment For Vitamin K

If you would like to get treatment for vitamin K, you simply have to find a treatment center that specializes in specific types of drugs. You can find help at a clinic that also treats individuals for cocaine addiction, heroin addiction, or one of the many other drugs that are so commonly taken by people today for recreational reasons. To find out more about ketamine treatment centers, search the web, or check in the phonebook for companies that specialize in helping others with drug addictions.

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