Saturday, March 29, 2014

Painkillers Can be a Blessing and a Curse

Narcotic drugs such as Hydrocodone, Oxycodone HCL and Roxycodone are powerful narcotic painkillers.

These painkillers can be such a miraculous drug for patients suffering with traumatic injuries, or chronic condition that require more than just an "over the counter" analgesic. They enable people to have a quality of life that they might not be able to enjoy otherwise.

But when they are used on a longtime basis, the body and the mind become accustomed to their presence. Tolerance builds, and greater doses are required. The body will become so used to having these narcotics in the system that withdrawal from them can be extremely painful, and can make the user very ill for the first few days. Even after the physical cravings have faded, the psychological ones continue to affect the user.

Even for those who are using them everyday to get a "buzz", it quickly escalates from getting "high" to a matter of maintaining doses just to keep feeling normal. There is no longer any fun or benefit from them, it is an endless addiction that must be fed and it leads the user to increasing risky behavior in order to avoid painful withdrawals.

Whether an addiction to pain meds came from a genuine medical need, or from recreational use that spiraled out of control, help is available. Many people fear having to give up painkillers because they have genuine chronic pain issues. But with proper treatment, and by dealing with the issue openly and honestly with your doctors, you can find a way to beat the addiction and to live a comfortable life.

 There is life after an addiction to pain medications. The first step comes with being honest and taking that first brave step towards admitting just how bad the problem has become. Then the road to recovery can truly begin.

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